15 May 2007

"Stalin Planned Army of Ape-Man Super-Warriors"

Here's one from the Old Cold War files. A story originally running in The Scotsman claimed that Uncle Joe wanted to breed a race of hybrid ape-humans to employ in battle. As we know, Russia and the Soviet Union were on the bruising ends of two global wars in the twentieth century, a big reason for mirroring Kaiser Wilhelm II's strategy of conquering eastern Europe and making it regime-friendly satellite states. The ape-man warriors might have made a fine replacement for the millions of conscripted soldiers who died in the First and Second World Wars, assuming you could successfully demobilize them after combat, something Wilhelm had a little trouble doing after the Great War. And of course nothing bad came of that...

But I digress. This article is almost two years old. Can anyone vouch for the authenticity of the claims? I will ask our resident Muscovite when he returns from Moscow. In the meantime, here are the links to the MosNews and the original from The Scotsman.

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