14 November 2007

Can't rest on your laurels now, not when you've got none.

I had no idea how many missle silos we (the U.S.) has.



How many dot Russia and the former Soviet Union? Do any of them still have missiles?

Just makes you think a bit.

07 November 2007

While this blog has been dormant for some time, we still live in interesting times, which has spurred me (Konstantin) to revive this blog. Look at what we have below:

CFE Treaty can be modified after all signatories ratify its adapted version - Lavrov Interfax Russia, Russia

Heightened tension as Russia drops arms treaty
Euronews.net, France

Russia Moves Toward Treaty Suspension
The Guardian, UK

Russia parliament votes to suspend arms treaty
Canada.com, Canada

Russia bolsters its political, economic, and military strength in the world, while nostalgia for Soviet rule resurges. National Public Radio [USA] had a lengthy story on the air this morning , "The Good Old Days?," about many Russians now see the time of Communist rule as having been better times.

I will try to get a русский друг моих — a Russian friend of mine — to write something about this. The point of this blog was not to be simply linking to international news stories about the resurgent Russia, but to have multiple people writing about it, and eventually, readers commenting about it. The challenges will be to get it going, and keep it going.

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